
Our leadership



沙巴体育结算平台和服务的供应商, 从2003年8月到2010年12月, 当泰科电子有限公司. Acquired ADC. Mr. Switz joined ADC in 1994 and throughout his career there held numerous leadership positions. 在过去的五年里. Switz served on the board of directors of GT Advanced Technologies Inc.; Broadcom Corporation; Cyan, Inc.; Pulse Electronics Corporation; and Leap Wireless International, Inc. Mr. Switz currently serves on the board of directors of Marvell Technology Group, Ltd.; Gigamon, Inc.; and FireEye, Inc. Mr. 他持有昆尼皮亚克大学(Quinnipiac University)工商管理学士学位和布里奇波特大学(University of Bridgeport)工商管理硕士学位. Mr. 瑞士于2012年被任命为董事会主席.

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Robert E. Switz was the chairman, president and chief executive officer of ADC Telecommunications, Inc., 网络基础设施沙巴体育结算平台和服务的供应商, 从2003年8月到2010年12月, 当泰科电子有限公司. Acquired ADC. Mr. Switz joined ADC in 1994 and throughout his career there held numerous leadership positions. 在过去的五年里. Switz served on the board of directors of GT Advanced Technologies Inc.; Broadcom Corporation; Cyan, Inc.; Pulse Electronics Corporation; and Leap Wireless International, Inc. Mr. Switz currently serves on the board of directors of Marvell Technology Group, Ltd.; Gigamon, Inc.; and FireEye, Inc. Mr. 他持有昆尼皮亚克大学(Quinnipiac University)工商管理学士学位和布里奇波特大学(University of Bridgeport)工商管理硕士学位. Mr. 瑞士于2012年被任命为董事会主席.

Richard M. Beyer was chairman and chief executive officer of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., from 2008 through June 2012 and served as a director of Freescale until April 2013. 加入飞思卡尔之前,他是. 拜尔是总统, chief executive officer and a director of Intersil Corporation from 2002 to 2008. He has also previously served in executive management roles at, VLSI Technology and National Semiconductor Corporation. 在过去的五年里. Beyer has served on the board of directors of Analog Devices, Inc., and Freescale. 他目前担任Dialog Semiconductor和Microsemi Corporation的董事会成员. Mr. Beyer served three years as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. 他拥有乔治城大学(Georgetown University)俄语学士和硕士学位,以及哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia University Graduate School of business)市场营销和国际商务MBA学位.

林恩·杜格尔(Lynn Dugle)是首席执行官, president and chair of the board of directors at Engility Holdings Inc., a provider of highly technical, integrated solutions and services to the U.S. 政府,2016年至2019年. 加入Engility之前,她是. Dugle在雷神公司担任高级管理职位超过十年,并于2015年3月从公司退休,担任雷神公司副总裁和雷神情报公司总裁, 资讯及服务, which housed Raytheon’s Cyber and Special Operations division. 在加入雷神公司之前, she was with ADC Telecommunications in several international and officer-level positions.

在过去的五年里. Dugle served on the board of directors of State Street Corporation, 目前任职于TE Connectivity Ltd .的董事会., KBR, Inc., EOG资源有限公司.和First Light Acquisition Group, Inc .. (advisor partner).

Ms. Dugle持有University of Texas at Dallas的工商管理硕士学位,以及Purdue University的技术管理和西班牙语学士学位.

Steve Gomo was executive vice president and chief financial officer of NetApp, a leading provider of innovative storage and data management solutions, from 2002 to 2011. 从2000年到2002年,Mr. Gomo served as chief financial officer for Gemplus International, 智能卡提供商, 2000年被德克萨斯太平洋集团收购. 2000年,他担任Asera, Inc .的首席财务官., 一家互联网解决方案公司,专注于为企业对企业链中的订单和供应链管理创建软件. From 1998 to 2000, he was senior vice president and chief financial officer of Silicon Graphics.

Mr. Gomo began his career with Hewlett-Packard in 1974 and held various positions in finance, 财务管理, 制造及综合管理, with his last position being general manager of the San Diego Division from 1993 to 1998.

除了在美光公司董事会任职外,他还担任公司董事. Gomo目前担任Nutanix, Inc .的董事会成员., Enphase Energy, Inc. 罗杰斯硅谷收购公司. 他持有俄勒冈州立大学工商管理学士学位和圣克拉拉大学金融MBA学位.

沙巴体育结算平台部门副总裁,领导大型太空项目的努力. Ms. Haynesworth also held various senior-level roles at NGC within the areas of program management, supply chain, 分包技术管理和工程, and was executive co-chair and co-sponsor for NCG’s Women in Leadership program.


In addition to her position on Micron’s board of directors, Ms. Haynesworth目前是信托金融公司和自动数据处理公司的董事会成员, Inc.


Ms. Haynesworth持有南加州大学(University of Southern California)电气工程学士学位.

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Linnie Haynesworth最近担任诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司(NGC)任务系统部门的网络和情报任务解决方案部门副总裁兼总经理,负责多个价值10亿 多亿美元的部门.

Ms. Haynesworth has more than 30 years of industry experience in technology, 包括航空航天和网络安全. 她曾担任NGC航空航天沙巴体育结算平台部门副总裁,领导大型太空项目的努力. Ms. Haynesworth also held various senior-level roles at NGC within the areas of program management, supply chain, 分包技术管理和工程, and was executive co-chair and co-sponsor for NCG’s Women in Leadership program.

In addition to her position on Micron’s board of directors, Ms. Haynesworth目前是信托金融公司和自动数据处理公司的董事会成员, Inc.

Ms. Haynesworth持有南加州大学(University of Southern California)电气工程学士学位.

Mary Pat McCarthy is a veteran of KPMG, a world-leading audit, tax and advisory firm. Ms. McCarthy于1977年加入毕马威,并于1987年成为合伙人. 她被任命为.S. vice chair in 1998 and held positions of global leader of information, 1998年至2004年从事通讯和娱乐工作, U.S. 2005年至2006年担任行业和市场的领导者, 2007年至2008年担任毕马威客户关怀项目负责人. Ms. 麦卡锡担任美国.S. 2008年至2011年,担任KPMG审计委员会协会的区域副主席和执行董事.

Ms. McCarthy是美国企业董事协会风险咨询委员会的成员. 她还共同主持了全国企业董事协会(NACD)人才发展蓝带委员会,并与人合著了多本沙巴体育安卓版下载风险的书籍, 战略与业务转型.

In addition to her position on Micron's board of directors, Ms. McCarthy目前担任Palo Alto Networks的董事会成员,最近担任Andeavor(以前称为Tesoro Corporation)和Mutual of Omaha的董事会成员. 她是一名注册会计师,持有Creighton University的工商管理学士学位.

Sanjay Mehrotra is president and chief executive officer at Micron Technology.

Sanjay is leading Micron during an exciting period for the company, 计算架构和人工智能技术的变化为内存和存储带来了新的机遇,并改变了世界使用信息丰富所有人生活的方式.

Sanjay joined Micron in 2017 after a distinguished career at SanDisk Corp. where he led the company from start-up in 1988 until its sale in 2016. 除了是SanDisk的联合创始人, Sanjay从2011年到2016年担任其总裁兼首席执行官, overseeing its growth to an industry-leading Fortune 500 company.

Sanjay has more than 40 years of experience in the semiconductor memory industry, holding engineering and leadership positions at Integrated Device Technology, SEEQ科技和英特尔公司. 他拥有70多项专利, several of which are foundational to enabling high-capacity flash memory, 现在是现代计算中无处不在的元素. 他在非易失性存储器设计和闪存系统领域发表了许多文章.

In 2022 Sanjay was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, 这是这个行业的最高荣誉之一. 他于2022年被博伊西州立大学授予荣誉博士学位,以表彰他在半导体行业的领导地位.

Sanjay目前担任CDW Corporation和半导体行业协会的董事会成员. He also serves on the Engineering Advisory Board at the University of California, Berkeley.

桑杰热衷于推动STEM教育,并支持激励年轻人发现科学的项目, technology, engineering, 数学和计算机科学. He champions opportunities that focus on helping underserved youth explore STEM advancement.

Sanjay is also deeply committed to building an inclusive and equitable culture at Micron, 以及在工程领域日益多样化的表现, 技术和领导职业道路. 他领导公司努力为所有未被充分代表的群体实现全面的全球薪酬平等,并积极支持通过教育帮助社区繁荣发展, community support, 赠款和志愿服务.

桑杰拥有加州大学电子工程和计算机科学学士和硕士学位, Berkeley and is a graduate of the Stanford Graduate School of Business Executive Program (SEP).

斯旺是风险投资公司安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)的运营合伙人,他为处于成长期的投资组合公司提供业务扩张方面的建议. Previously, he was CEO of Intel Corporation (“Intel”), a multinational technology company. 他于2016年首次担任英特尔执行副总裁(首席执行官)兼首席财务官(CFO),并于2018年6月至2019年1月担任临时首席执行官, then served as a director and CEO from January 2019 to February 2021. Swan served as an operating partner of General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm. From 2006 to 2015, 斯旺担任高级副总裁, eBay的财务和首席财务官, 他负责监督公司财务职能的各个方面, 包括管理员职位, 财务规划与分析, tax, treasury, audit, 兼并与收购, 以及投资者关系. Prior to eBay, Swan served as CFO at Electronic Data Systems Corp., TRW Inc.和Webvan Group, Inc .. He also served as Chief Operating Officer and CEO and director of Webvan Group.

He currently serves on the board of commissions of GoTo Group, an Indonesian technology company publicly traded on the IDX. eBay的董事会, Flexport的董事会, a logistics technology company and the board of directors of Nike, Inc. Additionally, 斯旺是科尔尼公司的全球顾问, a management consulting company and a director of the American Heart Association. He previously served on the board of directors of Applied Materials, Inc. 从2009年到2016年,AppDynamics从2016年到2017年.

斯旺的职业生涯始于通用电气, 他在哪里担任了15年的高级财务职务, 包括通用电气运输系统的部门首席财务官, GE医疗欧洲, and GE Lighting. 天鹅得了B.S. 在布法罗大学获得硕士学位.B.A. 来自纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校. 他于1922年获得宾汉姆顿大学荣誉博士学位. 

沙巴体育结算平台开发全球副总裁, 2007年至2009年担任副总裁兼总经理. Ms. 她于1988年加入福特汽车公司,在她的职业生涯中担任过几个行政职位,包括2003年至2005年的总工程师, 2004年至2005年担任可持续移动技术、混合动力和燃料电池汽车项目主任.


In addition to her position on Micron’s board of directors, Ms. Wright目前担任Group1 Automotive Inc .和Maxim Integrated的董事会成员,此前曾担任Delphi Technologies的董事会成员. Ms. 他拥有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的经济学和国际商务学士学位和工程学硕士学位. She also earned a master’s degree in business administration from Wayne State University.

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MaryAnn Wright从2009年到2017年担任Johnson Controls International的工程和沙巴体育结算平台开发全球副总裁, 2007年至2009年担任副总裁兼总经理. Ms. 她于1988年加入福特汽车公司,在她的职业生涯中担任过几个行政职位,包括2003年至2005年的总工程师, 2004年至2005年担任可持续移动技术、混合动力和燃料电池汽车项目主任.

In addition to her position on Micron’s board of directors, Ms. Wright目前担任Group1 Automotive Inc .和Maxim Integrated的董事会成员,此前曾担任Delphi Technologies的董事会成员. Ms. 他拥有密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的经济学和国际商务学士学位和工程学硕士学位. She also earned a master’s degree in business administration from Wayne State University.