
The 微米 3500 固态硬盘: A game-changer for pro gamers and professionals

普拉萨德Alluri | December 2023

个人电脑(PC)已经转变为一个多方面的工具, serving a wide array of users. Among these users, 业务 professionals and gamers stand out. Despite their distinct needs, 它们之间有一个共同的主线——追求卓越的用户体验. This shared pursuit shapes PC and workstation designs in unique ways.

固态硬盘(ssd)已成为通过提高功率效率来增强客户端设备用户体验的关键组件, speed and reliability. There are primarily two categories of client 固态硬盘s to choose from:

  1. 有价值的客户端ssd:这些ssd在功能、性能和可负担性之间取得了平衡. 它们通常采用“无DRAM”架构,将一些存储操作卸载到PC主机内存缓冲区,以降低板载DRAM成本.1 They are ideal for everyday computing applications, providing an optimal blend of user experience and affordability.
  2. 性能客户机ssd:这些ssd提供卓越的用户体验,性能优于价值客户机ssd. 通常设计带有板载DRAM缓存,以帮助实现更高的性能和响应能力, 它们在需要高性能的专业pc和游戏pc中越来越受欢迎.

Professional and scientific computing user experience

In the professional and scientific worlds, PCs are vital tools. 它们支持数据分析、项目管理、沙巴体育结算平台开发工具等. The user experience for professional, 业务, and scientific applications is centered around data transfer rates, reliability and security.

专业和科学计算用户经常同时处理多个任务, necessitating PCs with robust processors, 足够的内存, and performance-level client 固态硬盘s for the most demanding applications. These specifications ensure an optimal user experience.

Gaming user experience

游戏产业的迅速崛起刺激了PC技术的进步. 对于玩家来说,用户体验取决于响应性和性能. 游戏是资源密集型应用程序,需要高性能硬件来快速加载庞大的图形集. 游戏pc通常以强大的显卡和高速处理器为荣.


Direct存储 for 游戏

通常, as shown in Figure 1 below, 固态硬盘盘将压缩后的数据先发送给CPU进行解压,再发送给GPU进行渲染. However, that decompression takes time and CPU cycles. Microsoft Direct存储通过将所有数据直接传输到RAM,然后再传输到GPU,从而避免了这个问题. This streamlines the entire process of data transfer, decompression and rendering in the GPU, bypassing the CPU.

Figure 1: Flow of GPU assets without and with Direct存储

使用Direct存储的结果是更快的数据传输,最大限度地发挥高性能固态硬盘的优势. 今天,只有两款PC游戏利用了Direct存储——Luminous Productions的Forespoken™和Blizzard Entertainment的Diablo IV™. 由于驱动程序针对Direct存储进行了优化,预计将来会有更多的PC游戏支持它.

微米 3500 NVMe™ 固态硬盘: A game changer

美光公司宣布推出美光3500 NVMe™固态硬盘. 这款新的客户端性能固态硬盘为专业计算中最苛刻的客户端应用程序提供了行业领先的用户体验, 科学, 游戏, and content creation.2

美光3500固态硬盘加速洞察和提高生产力,跨越广泛的专业计算应用. When compared to competition:3,4

  1. 生命科学、医学和科学应用的得分高出132%.
  2. 媒体和娱乐、3D建模和平面艺术的得分高出74%.
  3. Product development applications score up to 71% better.
  4. PCMark 10 scores up to 38% better.
PCMark 10–512GB bar graph
PCMark 10–512GB access time bar graph
图2:使用PCMark 10和SPECwpc基准测试的美光3500分数与竞争对手的ssd

美光3500 固态硬盘提升您的游戏与业界领先的性能固态硬盘客户端PC用户体验. 有了美光3500,你可以以38%的速度加载像《沙巴体育结算平台》这样的游戏,并获得关键优势.5 美光3500具有Direct存储功能,面向未来,适用于今天和明天的Direct存储游戏.

美光3500是围绕世界上第一款用于客户端性能ssd的200层以上NAND而构建的, and the 固态硬盘 includes key features such as:

  • Power-loss protection (data at rest)
  • Host-controlled thermal management
  • Performance enhancing accelerated caching with DRAM
  • Firmware activate without reset
  • Thermal SMART via SMBus
  • Basic management command (BMC)
  • Power-loss signal support
  • 微米 存储 Executive management tool
  • 安全6
    • Hardware-based AES 256-bit encryption
    • Sanitize block and crypto erase
    • TCG蛋白石2.02, TCG Pyrite 2.01

美光3500固态硬盘在业界领先的用户体验,最苛刻的客户端应用程序的专业计算, 科学, 游戏 and content creation. This new 固态硬盘 is shipping now to OEM and ODM customers.

For more information see: www.微米.com/3500

沙巴体育结算平台. For more information see: http://www.微米.com/about/product-security-center

\r\n"}}' id="blog-footnotes">

1 For information on host memory buffer see: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8868151

2 截至2023年8月,收入排名前四位的客户端ssd竞争供应商的客户端性能ssd, excluding consoles, as noted in Forward Insights analyst report, 固态硬盘 Supplier Status_Q2/Q3.

3 Based on internal testing as detailed in Footnote 2. For details on SPECwpc benchmark see: SPECwpc V2.0 workstation benchmark

4 Based on internal testing as detailed in Footnote 2. For details on PCMark 10 benchmark see: http://benchmarks.ul.com/pcmark10

5 内部美光测试Valorant™和使命召唤®现代战争与竞争ssd的加载时间,详见脚注2. 《沙巴体育结算平台》由Riot Games发行,《沙巴体育安卓版下载》由动视发行.

6 没有任何软件或系统可以在所有条件下提供绝对的安全性. 微米 assumes no liability for lost, stolen or corrupted data arising from the use of any 微米 products, 包括那些包含上述任何安全特性的沙巴体育结算平台. For more information see: http://www.微米.com/about/product-security-center

VP and GM for 客户端 存储 at SBU


普拉萨德Alluri是存储业务部门的副总裁兼客户存储总经理. Prior, he was our vice president of Corporate Strategy & 孵化项目. He has worked for 微米 and Intel, where he held various positions in product development, product planning and strategy. Prasad在印度理工学院(孟买)获得学士学位,博士学位.D. 他是亚利桑那州立大学的MBA,也是沃顿商学院的MBA. Outside work, Prasad enjoys playing poker and hiking.
