

道格·罗林斯| 2018年10月

最基本的是, Artificial Intelligence (AI) strives to emulate human behavior using a rule-based software structure and observed information to act.

想象一个椒盐卷饼工厂. There is a long assembly line that starts with ingredients being mixed in precise amounts, 混合, 然后送到椒盐卷饼机. Those machines move some of the dough through nozzle-tipped arms that tie the pretzel and drop it onto a moving conveyor. 生的椒盐脆饼继续沿着传送带输送, 通过盐渍和涂布站, 到上升的烤箱, 烤炉, 最后是计量和装袋机. 最后是包装和运输.


但是装袋机坏了. 然后另一个.

工厂应该如何应对? They can’t just shut down the line (remember the dough in the mixers and the pretzels in the ovens?). Pretzels are still coming down the line to the bagging machines, and they are spilling on the floor.

听起来很难,对吧?? 这是一个很简单的例子,人工智能可以帮上忙. 停止配料机, 把面团倒进搅拌机里, 把烤好的椒盐脆饼从废弃的门送过去. 然后把装袋机修好. But AI’s uses go far beyond pretzel making – and some of its uses are pretty cool!


丰富人际互动: There are hundreds of 语言s and millions of people in the world. 想象一下,如果你可以轻松地与任何人交谈. 在任何地方. 人工智能就在这里,它就在你的智能手机里.

推动无障碍和沟通: 根据 textrequest.com, 18.全世界每天发送70亿条短信. 他们还注意到 texting is the most popular form of communication in 2018. 这还只是短信!

If we add printed text to speech conversation (and speech to text) we open new opportunities for education access, like more efficient learning (a broader selection of audio books for example). 搜索有更多的语言版本, dialects and vernaculars so finding related concepts in text and suggesting richer, 更深入的内容比以往任何时候都更容易.

视觉识别和识别: From autonomous cars and obstacle identification / avoidance to fast, 可靠的面部识别, 联网汽车中的人工智能只是一个例子. 想象一个小孩,迷失在人群中. Fast, 可靠的面部识别 in AI-enabled surveillance cameras could help find them quickly.

缺陷识别: Finding defects (in manufacturing for example) and quickly managing them effectively can speed production and improve quality. AI-based scanning and measurement systems can identify these defects and help manage their lifecycle to improve product quality and user experiences. 硅器件制造商可以测试, scan and check electrical charges at high speeds on each chip to ensure quality; then they can use big data analysis to identify anomalies and address problems quickly and efficiently.

These are just a few examples of what is being done with AI today.

人工智能, 用图标描绘语音到文本的信息图, 视觉识别, 缺陷识别


While AI breakthroughs might seem to be all about software (autonomous-learning algorithms, 无人驾驶智能, 国际象棋, 等.), hardware also plays a key role (albeit somewhat behind the scenes).

AI algorithms demand quite a bit from the hardware on which they run for fast, accurate results. Fast storage is critical to feed the massive amounts of use-case specific data to train the model, as are massive arrays of DRAM that work hand in hand with GPUs and CPUs.

AI存储 IO loads have changed dramatically with AI. AI 应用程序 read far, far more data than they write. The read/write ratio has moved from about 4:1 with legacy infrastructure to about 5,AI平台:000:1或更多.

That’s a dramatic change in storage IO, and 固态硬盘 endurance trends reflect this change.

固态硬盘s express endurance in Drive Writes Per Day (DWPD), a measurement of how many times a given 固态硬盘 can be filled (written). 在广泛采用人工智能平台之前, high endurance 固态硬盘s (typically 10 to 25 DWPD) were extremely popular. The broader adoption of highly read-centric workloads like AI has changed this dramatically: about 75% of all 固态硬盘 shipments in 2017 were of ≤1 DWPD drives.

infographic of read/write ratio in ai, chart of ssds shipped in 2017 less than 1DWPD


训练需要硬件: AI training and validation takes data (a lot of data) and speed. 存储 innovations like 3D NAND and high-performance, high-capacity 固态硬盘s drive the fast and vast amounts of data it takes to develop, 验证和实施人工智能解决方案.

主要硬件: Break out AI for your industry and use cases with workload-specific hardware like read-intensive 固态硬盘s and power-stingy memory to keep smart end-devices intelligent. 微米 has the portfolio of memory and storage for your specific needs.

好的设计是关键: 为合适的工作投资合适的技术. Read-centric 固态硬盘s are a great fit for AI and training. They can store massive data sets with quick access - at a more approachable price point. Low-power, small-size, high-performance memory enables end devices to perform quick AI inference.

使用低功耗内存和存储: AI systems need massive storage and compute resources. Power-efficient memory and 固态硬盘s that efficiently drive pre-processing, 摄取, 分析, 行动是高价值的, 大规模地, 在边缘.

美光可以提供帮助: 微米’s broad portfolio helps you change the vicious cycle of the cloud, 数据中心, and intelligent devices on the network edge into a virtuous cycle of smooth data storage, 迁移和分析.

你的人工智能之旅走到了哪里? 通过Twitter联系 @GreyHair存储.



道格罗林斯 is a principal technical marketing engineer for 微米's 存储 Business Unit, 专注于企业级固态硬盘. He’s an inventor, author, public speaker and photographer. 在Twitter上关注道格: @GreyHair存储.

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