

陶菲克·艾哈迈德| 2022年6月

沙巴体育结算平台. The program highlights the value of industrial-grade solutions for mission-critical applications and to address pain points in the market by ensuring industrial products meet a set of value propositions including application-specific tuning, 耐用, 高可靠性, 质量检测, 长寿和安全的设计. Adhering to these specific value propositions helps address and avoid problematic customer issues like those illustrated above.




从历史上看, 工业市场已经非常明确,选择供应商为客户提供工业级解决方案. 然而, 在过去十年中, the market has become saturated with consumer-grade solutions that do not meet the industrial market’s stringent requirements.


在与整个行业的客户交谈中, 我们了解了制造业的情况, transportation and even healthcare with consumer-grade solutions failing due to the inability to withstand harsh industrial conditions, 导致重要操作的数据丢失和停机,造成财务和品牌损失, 安全隐患和信誉损失. 在当今快速发展的数据经济中, even just a few minutes of downtime can have dire implications from lost revenue to physical safety – whether for 医疗 IoT devices that fail to capture necessary patient data or a train brake management system that fails. Discovering these pain points led us to create the IQ Partner program to promote awareness and education of the need for memory and storage that meet industrial demands.




The program provides customers with confidence through the 微米 IQ stamp of approval that the solutions under the IQ umbrella meet strict criteria for industrial solutions. 通过IQ合作伙伴计划, 美光与合作伙伴紧密合作,为客户提供并保证:

  • 特定于应用程序的优化 — Extensive collaboration with global customers to develop in-depth understanding of application use cases and deliver products and features to meet those specific application needs
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  • 加固的沙巴体育结算平台 -沙巴体育结算平台增强功能,可在恶劣环境中保持一致的性能:延长温度, 热循环, 冲击, 湿度, 等.
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  • 高可靠性 — Design and testing processes that add a high level of endurance and reliability to align with needs of long lifecycle embedded applications
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  • 广泛的质量测试 — Rigorous testing to deliver the consistent performance across products and processes necessary in embedded and mission-critical applications
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  • 沙巴体育结算平台寿命 -通过我们的沙巴体育结算平台寿命计划延长合格沙巴体育结算平台的生命周期支持, 哪种方法比标准生命周期支持更适合长生命周期应用程序
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目标是提高寿命和可靠性, 该计划的重点是确保增强关键任务业务运营的弹性, 数据完整性, 并且降低了嵌入式解决方案的总拥有成本.




微米 championed the IQ Partner program and recruited ecosystem partners who are aligned to the same customer value props. IQ目前的合作伙伴包括:研华, 三磷酸腺苷, Greenliant, Innodisk, Kontron, 汞系统, Viking技术和SMART模块化技术. 除了这些行业领袖, 美光最近宣布将嵌入式和边缘计算模块提供商康佳和PHYTEC加入该计划. 康佳特和PHYTEC设计和制造计算机模块和系统模块, 分别, 用于医疗技术, 工业自动化, 可再生能源, 航空航天和运输等等.


The IQ Partner program fosters close collaboration with these ecosystem partners to produce solutions that are tightly aligned to the industrial market’s stringent requirements for quality, longevity and reliability – crucial for industrial implementations such as factories that need equipment to run smoothly for decades. 这种协作是通过定期共享沙巴体育结算平台路线图来促进的, 尽早访问设计嵌入的平台, 偏爱最新的美光技术, 资质和技术资料的共享, 提前获得沙巴体育结算平台和更多.


“随着数字化的发展, 工业物联网应用对嵌入式和边缘计算机设计提出了全新的要求,克里斯蒂安·埃德尔说, 康佳沙巴体育结算平台营销总监. 跨自动化的业务, 医疗, 能源, 交通运输和其他关键基础设施需要具有最高可靠性的强大计算核心, 而美光的工业级内存对于实现最佳的模块级计算机至关重要. Joining the 微米 Industrial Quotient program will tighten our collaboration and equip us to deliver solutions designed to withstand the most adverse industrial environments.”


The IQ Partner Program also addresses the need for greater coordination and collaboration across the complex industrial supply chain. Coordination across the supply chain is required for designing today’s industrial solutions due to many players (consultants, 承包商, 设备制造商, suppliers) and components involved in implementing industrial equipment for long-lifecycle deployment in projects like factory automation and 能源 and power management. Tight coordination and hardware compatibility is paramount as everything needs to be able to work together seamlessly for decades, 在一些环境中,可靠的长期运行是严格的工业部署要求的重要组成部分.


自1985年PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH成立以来, 我们的首要任务之一一直是为我们的客户提供强大的, 可靠、安全的模块,长期可用性高,满足工业环境的严格要求,PHYTEC技术公司首席执行官Bodo Huber说. “加入美光的工业商数计划, we will work in lockstep to develop industrial-grade solutions with 微米’s cutting-edge technology — which gives our customers significant competitive advantage. Early access to the latest products and technologies is another benefit that helps our customers accelerate time to market. 在这个时代, 由于零部件短缺等供应链障碍, 拥有像美光这样强大可靠的合作伙伴,将对我们客户的影响降到最低,这一点至关重要.


The additions of congatec and PHYTEC to the IQ Partner program make 微米’s trusted memory and storage solutions more broadly accessible to the industrial market. The IQ Partner program provides the customer confidence in choosing the right memory and storage solutions for their industrial needs. 沙巴体育结算平台 that minimize total cost of ownership and ensure long-term reliability and quality with simplified product lifecycle management are necessary for success. The powerful combination of our industry-leading technology and tight ecosystem collaboration are key to giving our customers the confidence to drive innovation with both the speed and resiliency needed to keep pace with fast-moving transformation at the intelligent edge.

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Let us consider a hypothetical scenario: Customers looking to deploy video security systems are faced with a choice between a consumer-grade 固态硬盘 and an industrial-grade 固态硬盘 to capture their important video feeds. 消费级固态硬盘将节省一些资本支出,这是有吸引力的. 然而, the customer doesn’t take into account that the industrial-grade drive is optimized for high-temperature and high write environments and has health monitoring, 所有这些对于关键任务数据都很有价值. 如果我们的客户选择了消费级驱动器,并且它发生故障或进入只读模式, 视频数据不被捕获或保留. 客户可能要过几天才会注意到. 小型企业, this could mean something like lost security footage of shoplifters or noncompliance with HIPAA guidelines (video security ensures only employees have access to health information).

这和更多的场景是为什么美光 推出工业商数(IQ)合作伙伴计划 在2020年促进提供高质量的解决方案, 在广泛的工业应用中提供坚固耐用的沙巴体育结算平台. The program highlights the value of industrial-grade solutions for mission-critical applications and to address pain points in the market by ensuring industrial products meet a set of value propositions including application-specific tuning, 耐用, 高可靠性, 质量检测, 长寿和安全的设计. Adhering to these specific value propositions helps address and avoid problematic customer issues like those illustrated above.


从历史上看, 工业市场已经非常明确,选择供应商为客户提供工业级解决方案. 然而, 在过去十年中, the market has become saturated with consumer-grade solutions that do not meet the industrial market’s stringent requirements.

在与整个行业的客户交谈中, 我们了解了制造业的情况, transportation and even healthcare with consumer-grade solutions failing due to the inability to withstand harsh industrial conditions, 导致重要操作的数据丢失和停机,造成财务和品牌损失, 安全隐患和信誉损失. 在当今快速发展的数据经济中, even just a few minutes of downtime can have dire implications from lost revenue to physical safety – whether for 医疗 IoT devices that fail to capture necessary patient data or a train brake management system that fails. Discovering these pain points led us to create the IQ Partner program to promote awareness and education of the need for memory and storage that meet industrial demands.


The program provides customers with confidence through the 微米 IQ stamp of approval that the solutions under the IQ umbrella meet strict criteria for industrial solutions. 通过IQ合作伙伴计划, 美光与合作伙伴紧密合作,为客户提供并保证:

  • 特定于应用程序的优化 — Extensive collaboration with global customers to develop in-depth understanding of application use cases and deliver products and features to meet those specific application needs
  • 加固的沙巴体育结算平台 -沙巴体育结算平台增强功能,可在恶劣环境中保持一致的性能:延长温度, 热循环, 冲击, 湿度, 等.
  • 高可靠性 — Design and testing processes that add a high level of endurance and reliability to align with needs of long lifecycle embedded applications
  • 广泛的质量测试 — Rigorous testing to deliver the consistent performance across products and processes necessary in embedded and mission-critical applications
  • 沙巴体育结算平台寿命 -通过我们的沙巴体育结算平台寿命计划延长合格沙巴体育结算平台的生命周期支持, 哪种方法比标准生命周期支持更适合长生命周期应用程序

目标是提高寿命和可靠性, 该计划的重点是确保增强关键任务业务运营的弹性, 数据完整性, 并且降低了嵌入式解决方案的总拥有成本.


微米 championed the IQ Partner program and recruited ecosystem partners who are aligned to the same customer value props. IQ目前的合作伙伴包括:研华, 三磷酸腺苷, Greenliant, Innodisk, Kontron, 汞系统, Viking技术和SMART模块化技术. 除了这些行业领袖, 美光最近宣布将嵌入式和边缘计算模块提供商康佳和PHYTEC加入该计划. 康佳特和PHYTEC设计和制造计算机模块和系统模块, 分别, 用于医疗技术, 工业自动化, 可再生能源, 航空航天和运输等等.

The IQ Partner program fosters close collaboration with these ecosystem partners to produce solutions that are tightly aligned to the industrial market’s stringent requirements for quality, longevity and reliability – crucial for industrial implementations such as factories that need equipment to run smoothly for decades. 这种协作是通过定期共享沙巴体育结算平台路线图来促进的, 尽早访问设计嵌入的平台, 偏爱最新的美光技术, 资质和技术资料的共享, 提前获得沙巴体育结算平台和更多.

“随着数字化的发展, 工业物联网应用对嵌入式和边缘计算机设计提出了全新的要求,克里斯蒂安·埃德尔说, 康佳沙巴体育结算平台营销总监. 跨自动化的业务, 医疗, 能源, 交通运输和其他关键基础设施需要具有最高可靠性的强大计算核心, 而美光的工业级内存对于实现最佳的模块级计算机至关重要. Joining the 微米 Industrial Quotient program will tighten our collaboration and equip us to deliver solutions designed to withstand the most adverse industrial environments.”

The IQ Partner Program also addresses the need for greater coordination and collaboration across the complex industrial supply chain. Coordination across the supply chain is required for designing today’s industrial solutions due to many players (consultants, 承包商, 设备制造商, suppliers) and components involved in implementing industrial equipment for long-lifecycle deployment in projects like factory automation and 能源 and power management. Tight coordination and hardware compatibility is paramount as everything needs to be able to work together seamlessly for decades, 在一些环境中,可靠的长期运行是严格的工业部署要求的重要组成部分.

自1985年PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH成立以来, 我们的首要任务之一一直是为我们的客户提供强大的, 可靠、安全的模块,长期可用性高,满足工业环境的严格要求,PHYTEC技术公司首席执行官Bodo Huber说. “加入美光的工业商数计划, we will work in lockstep to develop industrial-grade solutions with 微米’s cutting-edge technology — which gives our customers significant competitive advantage. Early access to the latest products and technologies is another benefit that helps our customers accelerate time to market. 在这个时代, 由于零部件短缺等供应链障碍, 拥有像美光这样强大可靠的合作伙伴,将对我们客户的影响降到最低,这一点至关重要.

The additions of congatec and PHYTEC to the IQ Partner program make 微米’s trusted memory and storage solutions more broadly accessible to the industrial market. The IQ Partner program provides the customer confidence in choosing the right memory and storage solutions for their industrial needs. 沙巴体育结算平台 that minimize total cost of ownership and ensure long-term reliability and quality with simplified product lifecycle management are necessary for success. The powerful combination of our industry-leading technology and tight ecosystem collaboration are key to giving our customers the confidence to drive innovation with both the speed and resiliency needed to keep pace with fast-moving transformation at the intelligent edge.


