
Industrial quotient: Living the industrial AI mindset

微米 Technology | August 2023



Industrial AI increases the demand for memory and storage


We see this across 行业, including medical applications, 先进的成像技术驱动着具有高带宽内存(HBM)的gpu级机器。, high density DDR5 DRAM and multi-terabyte 固态硬盘 storage. In video security, 边缘存储系统需要存储和处理高分辨率视频, and then run AI-powered analytics on the video data. 这对资源的要求非常高,因为AI模型需要大量的内存和存储空间.

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今天, 有超过150亿个物联网设备连接在一起. And you can expect twice as many — over 29 billion — by 2030. Big machines using big data are transforming the industrial market, 引领下一次工业革命,依靠复杂的人工智能工作负载来管理快速增长的传感器数据.

然而,, today’s smart manufacturing isn’t something new — rather, 它建立在前几次革命的基础上:1780年的机械化, electrification in 1870, automation in 1970, and connection in 2011. Through every stage, industry isn’t changing, it’s evolving, adding new requirements to become even smarter, 更快.

为此,今天人工智能驱动的工业自动化比以往任何时候都有更多的要求. 这种转变的核心是内存和存储,而恶劣的工业环境需要特定的性能特征. These include lifecycle support, 强度, 可靠性, 卓越的质量和沙巴体育结算平台增强,以满足特定的应用要求.

Industrial AI increases the demand for memory and storage

We see this across 行业, including medical applications, 先进的成像技术驱动着具有高带宽内存(HBM)的gpu级机器。, high density DDR5 DRAM and multi-terabyte 固态硬盘 storage. In video security, 边缘存储系统需要存储和处理高分辨率视频, and then run AI-powered analytics on the video data. 这对资源的要求非常高,因为AI模型需要大量的内存和存储空间.


也许工业自动化对内存和存储的需求变化最大, 与标准服务器相比,工业物联网边缘服务器驱动两到三倍的缓存和代码存储以及四到五倍的数据存储,以处理边缘的人工智能工作负载需求.

沙巴体育结算平台和运营模式. 我们的指导原则是为当今的工业应用提供一个强大的框架,我们称之为“美光” “Industrial Quotient” or IQ. 我们与业内许多志同道合的思想家合作,开发了以下五个智商特征:

  • Longevity: 微米 supports a five-plus year product lifecycle. 工业应用程序是为了持久而构建的,因此需要扩展的沙巴体育结算平台支持.
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  • Ruggedness: Improved performance in extreme environments, including temperature, 冲击, 腐蚀, humidity and radiation.
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  • 可靠性:性能稳定性是通过围绕年故障率的关键基准来衡量的, failure in time, and mean time between failure endurance.
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  • High 质量: Ongoing, 对所有过程进行广泛的测试,使差异最小化并保持一致性.
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  • 应用程序优化:我们的沙巴体育结算平台增强(硬件和固件)满足应用程序特定的要求, including auto-scan/auto-refresh, firmware health monitoring and API encryption.
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在美光,我们已经在工业市场提供了超过25年的领导和创新. 我们的“工业思维”意味着我们深刻理解这些用例. Our holistic focus on quality, 在我们广泛的特定应用解决方案组合中提供可靠性和加固范围. And it’s all backed by our industry leading fab longevity support, where we have made significant investments.


Shared values


然而,我们支持工业人工智能应用的核心价值观并非美光所独有. Many of our industrial customers share the same mindset and values. 我们生产的坚固可靠的内存和存储解决方案是机器的组件,具有相同的坚固性和可靠性标准. In 微米’s leading smart manufacturing facilities, we use 我们的客户制造的机器使用我们自己的内存和存储解决方案 because we know it is a solution we can trust. For example, the AI-driven machine vision tools 我们用来检测和纠正我们沙巴体育结算平台中的制造偏差是通过机器帮助创建的内存和存储组件实现的.


In industrial IoT, this level of core process knowledge is critical. 在微米, 我们丰富的传统和对人工智能工业物联网生态系统的深刻理解,确保我们以无与伦比的总拥有成本将您推向市场.


对这些核心价值的持续奉献使我们成为工业内存和存储领域无可争议的领导者, 在我们的全球系统实验室和工程技术的支持下,提供设计创新和差异化, sales and distribution networks. In the industrial IoT space, 公司应该确保投入时间研究解决方案,并选择那些拥有相同价值观并能以正确的解决方案将公司推向市场的公司.


我们的人民创造的创新推动了今天的工业革命, enabling advances in AI applications. 毕竟, we supply the critical components to the creators making AI, collaborative robots, computer vision and other cutting-edge applications. When they need innovation, they come to 微米.

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工业转型需要新的边缘设备和网关来将数据转化为洞察力. From self-driving cars to aerospace, from video security to the shop floor, 我们的工业内存和存储解决方案提供所需的性能, latency and security — from infrastructure to AI at the edge.

事实上,在美光,我们在自己的制造过程中利用了数据分析和人工智能. 硅的制造是一个极其复杂的过程,需要几个月的时间 involving some 1,500 steps. 微米 employs sophisticated AI in every step of this process, dramatically improving accuracy and productivity. The benefits are many, including higher yields, a safer working environment, improved efficiencies, and a sustainable business.

Of course, none of these components works without memory. 内存, 事实上, puts the “intelligence” in AI, providing it with data to run its algorithms, and context for its actions and reactions.

Developing an industrial AI mindset

When choosing a supplier for the industrial AI space, 重要的是要记住,标准应该高于典型消费者应用程序的标准. Things like longevity, 当在恶劣环境或其他具有较长升级路径的领域部署解决方案时,坚固性和可靠性至关重要.

在微米, 我们认同这一理念,并制定了一套核心价值观,以此来设计我们的沙巴体育结算平台和运营模式. 我们的指导原则是为当今的工业应用提供一个强大的框架,我们称之为“美光” “Industrial Quotient” or IQ. 我们与业内许多志同道合的思想家合作,开发了以下五个智商特征:

  • Longevity: 微米 supports a five-plus year product lifecycle. 工业应用程序是为了持久而构建的,因此需要扩展的沙巴体育结算平台支持.
  • Ruggedness: Improved performance in extreme environments, including temperature, 冲击, 腐蚀, humidity and radiation.
  • 可靠性:性能稳定性是通过围绕年故障率的关键基准来衡量的, failure in time, and mean time between failure endurance.
  • High 质量: Ongoing, 对所有过程进行广泛的测试,使差异最小化并保持一致性.
  • 应用程序优化:我们的沙巴体育结算平台增强(硬件和固件)满足应用程序特定的要求, including auto-scan/auto-refresh, firmware health monitoring and API encryption.

在美光,我们已经在工业市场提供了超过25年的领导和创新. 我们的“工业思维”意味着我们深刻理解这些用例. Our holistic focus on quality, 在我们广泛的特定应用解决方案组合中提供可靠性和加固范围. And it’s all backed by our industry leading fab longevity support, where we have made significant investments.

Shared values

然而,我们支持工业人工智能应用的核心价值观并非美光所独有. Many of our industrial customers share the same mindset and values. 我们生产的坚固可靠的内存和存储解决方案是机器的组件,具有相同的坚固性和可靠性标准. In 微米’s leading smart manufacturing facilities, we use 我们的客户制造的机器使用我们自己的内存和存储解决方案 because we know it is a solution we can trust. For example, the AI-driven machine vision tools 我们用来检测和纠正我们沙巴体育结算平台中的制造偏差是通过机器帮助创建的内存和存储组件实现的.

In industrial IoT, this level of core process knowledge is critical. 在微米, 我们丰富的传统和对人工智能工业物联网生态系统的深刻理解,确保我们以无与伦比的总拥有成本将您推向市场.

对这些核心价值的持续奉献使我们成为工业内存和存储领域无可争议的领导者, 在我们的全球系统实验室和工程技术的支持下,提供设计创新和差异化, sales and distribution networks. In the industrial IoT space, 公司应该确保投入时间研究解决方案,并选择那些拥有相同价值观并能以正确的解决方案将公司推向市场的公司.

我们的人民创造的创新推动了今天的工业革命, enabling advances in AI applications. 毕竟, we supply the critical components to the creators making AI, collaborative robots, computer vision and other cutting-edge applications. When they need innovation, they come to 微米.